Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thursday, Morning of the Baiardo concert

I usually don't like those pictures on Facebook or Instagram with the "My office for the day" headings, but here it is!! "MY office for the morning!"

Yes, overlooking the beautiful Italian Riviera this morning I realized that I should post something today about what we have been up to, especially since it is the morning of our first performance in Italy!

Since our arrival past Tuesday, we have been in awe of this beautiful region and have been soaking up the sights, sounds, and the tastes! Yesterday, after a very productive rehearsal in the morning, we had an amazing lunch in Ospedaletti, with our good friend and video genius Jason Murgo, who is traveling with us on our tour. Hand "rolled" pasta with squid ink and the tenderest pieces of calamari sounded so good that we copycatted each other and ordered four of them while David went rogue and ordered a Scaloppini! After a liter of the local prosecco, the afternoon rehearsal felt and sounded absolutely FANTASTIC!

Later that same evening we had a wonderful gathering with all the wonderful people who have made our trip to Italy, especially to San Remo, happen. We met everyone at La Bionda, a fantastic restaurant which specializes in Carne, and had a wonderful time getting to know everyone and catching up with old friends. A very special thanks to Tom McKenzie, Carina & Hans Gors, Jana & Quentin Baker,  Joe & Toni Murgo for all their love and help for making this trip and the fantastic gathering a reality. And to all our new Italian friends vi amiamo tutti, grazie (I hope that was correct!).

Later this afternoon we will take the hour-long journey to the town of Baiardo and perform at 6:30 PM. More on the concert later. Try to follow some quick updates on our Facebook page if you can.


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